Javante Scott is our new Neighborhood Liaison with the city of Clearwater

Hurricane Expo Saturday, June 15th, 9am-Noon, Joe DiMaggio Sports Complex

Clearwater is hosting the city’s first Hurricane Expo this Saturday, June 15th from 9am to noon at Joe DiMaggio Sports Complex - 2450 Drew Street  (see screenshot below)

Sunshine Lines January 2024

Clearwater Sunshine Lines is our beautiful city's monthly newsletter. It is included in my water bill each month, but can be found online at:


Parks & Recs Master Plan Survey

Written Aug 7th, 2023
Maleah from Ross Norton has forwarded the Parks & Recreation Master Plan Survey she spoke of in our last meeting.


The link will be active until Aug 13th, 2023 at midnight.

Ross Norton Playground Bid Awarded for $451,549.93

Written Jun 11th, 2023

At our last meeting, city councilmember Kathleen Beckman brought it to our attention that the City of Clearwater Council decided on the bid for the Ross Norton Playground that will replace the skatepark in back of the Ross Norton Recreation Center.

You can see the 5/15/2023 9:00 am Work Session Agenda at


You can find the details related to the new Ross Norton Playground on page 2 under item 4.1 ID #23-0587


These are the documents that are of particular note that Ms Beckman brought to our neighborhood meeting:

Earth Day Cleanup April 22, 2023, Saturday, 9am-11am

Written April 20th, 2023
Updated April 27th, 2023

Lake Belleview Neighborhood EARTH DAY Cleanup
Saturday,  9-11 a.m. April 22, 2023
At Belmont Park,  1535 S Martin Luther King Jr. Ave  (Martin Luther King Jr Ave and Woodlawn St) 

I would like to acknowledge Ed Thiebe and the Community Service Foundation, and our very own Code Enforcement Officer,  Yusef Touray, for putting on a successful Earth Day cleanup here in our Lake Belleview neighborhood.

We collected over 300 pounds of trash,  including a shopping cart and a rolling basket.

We also rescued an injured bluejay.

Great job everyone!

Supported by:

Community Service Foundation, City of Clearwater Parks and Recreation and Code Enforcement and Lake Belleview Neighborhood Association

For more information contact Ed Thiebe  at EThiebe@CSFhome.org

LBNA Neighborhood Day Celebration Saturday, March 25th, 2023

Written March 1st, 2023
Updated April 20th, 2023

The City of Clearwater Neighborhoods Day was on March 25th, 2023.

Our Lake Belleview Neighborhood Celebration took place as follows:

Date: Saturday March 25, 2023 

Location: New Lake Belleview Pier next to the Ross Norton Recreation Center

Event start: 9:30am

9:30am-10:00am Free refreshments, including coffee, juice, donuts and bagels

10:00am Ceremony begins

Event end: 12:30pm

We all gathered at the new fishing pier on Lake Belleview, which had been put in by the City of Clearwater because we as a neighborhood requested it.

A plaque was unveiled to honor individuals who have contributed over the years to the activities and to the success of the Lake Belleview Neighborhood Association.

The ceremony will included live music, highlights of what earlier generations of neighbors have accomplished, and the unveiling of the new plaque that was permanently erected at the pier. 

Following the ceremony, there was a family oriented nature scavenger hunt around the lake, and long-time local resident and Art in the Park founder, Leigh Ann Edrich created a sidewalk chalk art contest for the children on and around the pier. Prizes were awarded.

Lake Belleview Holiday Party

Written December 9th, 2022

The annual Lake Belleview Holiday Party was held Friday, Dec 9th, 5:30pm-8pm at Ross Norton Recreation Center.

The Community Service Foundation, Ross Norton Recreation Center, Clearwater Horseshoe club and Lake Belleview Neighborhood Association put on a wonderful holiday celebration!

Ross Norton was decked out with a Christmas tree and holiday lights and decorations.

There was a DJ and live music and dancing.

Food was served and there were plenty of activities for the kiddos including coloring stations and bouncy house.

Hundreds of neighbors were in attendance, young and old alike.

The Clearwater High School choir sang holiday carols. and children had a chance to visit and take pictures with Mr and Mrs Claus.

The mayor, vice-mayor and city manager even stopped by to chat wish everyone happy holidays!

This event has become an annual tradition, and we look forward to doing it again next year!

Ross Norton Holly Jolly Trolley Tour

Written December 9th, 2022

Ross Norton Holly Jolly Trolley Tour was held Thursday, Dec 8th, 5:30pm-6:15pm 

Santa and his jolly elves stopped by and cookies and hot chocolate were served.  The event was hosted by the Ross Norton Recreation Center!

Ross Norton Fall Festival

Written December 7th, 2022

Ross Norton Fall Festival was held Tuesday, November 22nd, 5:30pm - 7:30pm

This was a free fun, family event with lots of activities for all ages, including free food, music, bounce house and games and was hosted by the Ross Norton Recreation Center!

Paint the Pavement, Sat Nov 5th 9am-4pm

Written November 5th, 2022

What a great time it was painting the pavement at the intersection of MLK and Woodlawn in the Lake Belleview neighborhood.

And what a great turnout!

Lake Belleview neighbors would like to acknowledge Samantha Moullet of the City of Clearwater Neighborhoods division for organizing and funding this event, and the original artist Kumpa Tawornprom for making himself available for this time-intensive project. 

Here are the pictures of how it went down:


Neighbors in Action:


In Memoriam, Duke Tieman Founder of the Lake Belleview Neighborhood Association

Written September 1st, 2022

We were recently informed that Duke Tieman, the founder of our neighborhood association here in Lake Belleview, passed away.

Obituary and more information about Duke can be found at:




Neighborhood advocate and former Lake Belleview neighbor Charles "Eric" Wilson Sr., MBA passed along this emailed message from Frank V. Hibbard, Mayor, City of Clearwater:


"From: Hibbard, Frank <Frank.Hibbard@MyClearwater.com>
Sent: Friday, August 5, 2022 1:38 PM

I just received very sad news that Duke Tieman passed away.  For those of you who did not know Duke he was the founder of the Lake Bellevue neighborhood association.  He was a tireless worker always trying to raise the level of the neighborhood and the quality of life for everyone.  His appreciation for the city especially our public safety departments manifested itself with the dinner of thanks around every Thanksgiving.  The entire neighborhood came together to prepare a meal for our employees.  He certainly was a blessing to our city!


Frank V. Hibbard
Mayor, City of Clearwater"

Back 2 School Bash

Written July 12th, 2022

The Back 2 School Bash will be held on Friday, July 29, 5 - 7 p.m. 

Enjoy the bounce house, DJ, games, touch-a-trucks, raffles, haircut vouchers and a backpack giveaway! 

First 500 patrons will receive backpacks 

Food will be served from 5 - 7 p.m. 


TIME: 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. 


Please RSVP to Ross Norton Recreation Center (727) 562-4380 

Ice Cream Social at Ross Norton 7/13 4:30pm-6pm

Written July 12th, 2022

Ross Norton Recreation Complex and the Clearwater Community Engagement Officers are partnering to do an Ice Cream Social for the community. Please stop by so that we can spend time getting to know you while we enjoy some delicious ice cream with toppings galore! 


TIME: 4:30-6 p.m. 


Update (with pictures) written July 15th, 2022

Ross Norton Recreation Complex and the Clearwater Community Engagement Officers pulled off a successful event!  Young and old and everywhere in between enjoyed some cool ice cream in the shade.

My favorite was enjoying the ice cream dipped gummy bears.

Special Guest, Chief of Police, Dan Slaughter to Attend June 7th Neighbors Meeting!

Written May 27th, 2022

We will have a special guest speaker, the Chief of Police for Clearwater, Dan Slaughter at our next Neighbors meeting on Tuesday, June 7th, 2022 at 7pm at Ross Norton Recreation Center.

Get the word out!

We anticipate that the Chief will allow 30 minutes for questions, and he will give us information about the Clearwater Police Department's short term and long-range goals.

There will be light refreshments.

At our last meeting, on 5/3, two police related concerns were brought up.

One concern was about community policing, and a desire for a consistent and familiar police officer to attend our meetings.

The other concern was regarding whether the City of Clearwater has an agreement with the City of Largo to police in Clearwater, and concerns over the lack of use of body cameras by the City of Largo police department.

The association is requesting that neighbors send any thoughts, questions or concerns by email to: communications.lakebelleview@gmail.com

As time allows, the Board will pass along questions and concerns to the Chief of Police, so that some of the questions or concerns might be researched ahead of the meeting, and answers be able to be provided and discussed at the meeting.

CMA Leads Lake Cleanup Efforts!

Written April 9th, 2022

On Saturday, April 9th, from 9am to 11am, organizers from the Clearwater Marine Aquarium lead a successful cleanup at Lake Belleview.  Joining in the clean up effort were two LBNA officers (Betsy and Dagmar) and a LBNA volunteer (Arwen and daughter).  I also saw our very own City of Clearwater Seat 3 Councilmember Kathleen Beckman (plus 2) join in the cleanup.

A lot of trash was collected.  I saw a bicycle tire, innumerable plastic bottles and cans, plastic bags, etc.  An abandoned motor was also found, but not yet moved due to size and weight.

The Clearwater Marine Aquarium cleanup event page can be found at https://www.cmaquarium.org/event/__trashed-4/

The next clean-up is on on Saturday, May 14th, 2022 from 9-11am

Everyone is encouraged to join!

Belmont Park Reopens!

Neighbors Day and Belmont Park Grand Opening March 26th, 2022

Originally written March 6th, 2022

On March 26th, from Noon-2:30pm, Lake Belleview Neighborhood is celebrating Belmont Park reopening and neighborhood day.  Activities will center around Ross Norton Recreation Center and Belmont Park.

Everyone is encouraged to join!

Updates March 28th, 2022

What a great event put on by the City of Clearwater, Community Service Foundation and many of our neighbors.  It was a day of family and community.  Check out the photo carousel below.

Notable Neighbors

March 6th, 2022

Residents and owners of properties and businesses make up the fabric of our neighborhood.

Please bring news of notable neighbors to our monthly Lake Belleview Neighborhood Association meeting. so they can be explored for inclusion on our website at: https://www.lakebelleview.org/

Lake Belleview or Lake Bellevue?

Originally written January 31st, 2022

To be Lake Bellevue or to be Lake Belleview.  That is the Question. 

That was my first question when different documents with different spellings were handed to me in the December meeting.  I looked up the word history and found that Bellevue is the French spelling of Belleview and means “beautiful view”.

Most agree on, and there is Pinellas County history going back to the time before Pinellas County was created, to suggest “Lake Belleview” should be adopted. 

However, because the lake is “Bellevue” and the street on the Clearwater side is “Bellevue” and there is some reference to “Bellevue” in a document on Pinellas County historical background, to settle the matter once and for all, input from the Clearwater Historical Society has been requested by longtime community member and Association Treasurer Ed Thiebe.

Updates March 6th, 2022

More and more documentation is coming to light that Belleview is the correct spelling.  Ed Thiebe will determine if we should request that the spelling of our lake be updated on Google maps and in the Tampa Bay and Pinellas county scientific listings.  At some point we will want to gather the documentation and ensure it is preserved for future generations of Lake Belleview Neighbors.

Bylaws Almost Done

Originally written January 31st, 2022

Our neighborhood association is in progress ratifying our bylaws as a neighborhood association.

Once that is completed, we can ask the City of Clearwater to update our neighborhood association map to extend all the way to Fort Harrison Avenue instead of stopping at the railroad tracks.

Updates March 6th, 2022

Our last meeting was very productive on moving the bylaws forward!  There seemed to be agreement that because our neighborhood association is built on the voluntary participation of all neighbors in our zone, we do not want to disqualify from participation, anyone who lives in or has a business relationship in our neighborhood. Donations are always welcome, but membership is by voluntary participation.  If, in the future, we decide membership dues should be required, then we can update our bylaws to reflect the same.  Our immediate goals include: