Lake Belleview Neighborhood Association Bylaws

Updated on March 7th, 2023







NAME:  Lake Belleview Neighborhood Association (LBNA)

BOUNDARIES:  LBNA area shall be bounded as follows:


North by Lakeview Road

East by Missouri Avenue

West by South Myrtle

South by Belleair Road



A. To protect and improve Lake Belleview, its wildlife and park as assets of the area.


B. To preserve, protect and defend residential and commercial properties of the Lake Belleview neighborhood


C. To enhance the quality of life in the neighborhood through public utilization of the amenities present in the park environment as current interest and activities dictate.


D. To cooperate with the City Council of the City of Clearwater and with any other organizations when their purposes or objectives align with the interests of the Lake Belleview community.


E. To sponsor and promote activities designed to benefit the community in general.


F. To coordinate, promote, and create long-range community objectives and bring then to reality.




A. The membership of the LBNA shall be composed of residents, property owners, business owners and other individuals involved with activities that shall be conducted in a manner abiding by these bylaws and who maintain a physical presence within the physical boundaries of the neighborhood.


B. A voting member shall be defined as any adult person who is part of a household or business, and who lives, works or participates, within the boundaries of the neighborhood.




The Board of Directors shall consist of the following:



The President shall call and preside at all meetings, shall act for and in behalf of the membership of the LBNA, shall appoint any special committees necessary for the operation of the LBNA business and shall act as its official spokesperson.



The Vice President shall, in the absence of the President, assume all of the duties of that office and shall be responsible for publicity and notifications of LBNA meetings.



The Secretary shall keep a permanent record of formal meetings, legal documents and legal transactions of the LBNA. The Secretary shall create copies of meeting agendas and shall transcribe the minutes of each meeting and maintain a copy of the minutes in both digital and paper formats.



The Treasurer shall keep formal receipts and a permanent record of all financial business of the LBNA. An up-to-date financial report shall be submitted at each meeting. The Treasurer shall be responsible for the collection of donations and/or dues at each meeting.


A. The officers of this Association shall hold office for a term of one (1) year or until successors are elected. The term of office shall begin at the close of the Annual Meeting and will commence their term service at the following January meeting.


B. Outgoing officers shall make themselves available to advise new board members for no less than two consecutive months and up to four consecutive months, to assist in board transition.





A.   Nominations of officers shall be made from the floor at the time of the Annual Meeting, which traditionally has been held in December.


B.  Election of Officers shall be held on the same day that the nominations are made.


C.  New officers will be installed immediately at the close of the Annual Meeting and all documents, records and any materiel pertaining to the duties of each office, as designated in these bylaws and which have been in the possession of the outgoing Officers, shall be transferred to the newly elected Officers within seven (7) days.


D. Terms of office shall be one (1) year. There shall be no limitations to the number of years served.


E.  Any Officer may be removed from office for cause by a majority vote of members attending a regularly scheduled meeting. Ten days notice prior to the meeting for a recall vote must be made to all members announcing the vote.


F.   Any board vacancies occurring during the year service shall be temporarily filled by appointment on a majority vote of the remaining Board members and filled for the remainder of the yearly term on a majority vote of members at the following meeting.




A. The annual amount of membership dues will be reviewed and determined by a majority of the voting members present at the annual meeting. Currently, voluntary donations are collected at each meeting, the total sum of which are the available funds as reported on by the LBNA Treasurer.


B. LBNA shall maintain a bank account and funded deposits shall be used exclusively for the purposes of LBNA.


C. LBNA financial assets shall be used exclusively to execute activities pursuant to the LBNA goals and purposes as determined by the membership.


D. Expenditure of funds from the LBNA bank account may not be made without the consent of the Board of Directors and the signatures of the Treasurer and at least one (1) of the remaining three (3) Officers.


E. Financial records and funds of LBNA shall be reviewed at least quarterly by the Board of Directors and before a new Treasurer takes office.


F. No officer, representative, spokesperson, or member shall have any financial liability incurred by the LBNA.





A. The President shall have the power to appoint committees, as necessary, to implement the purposes of LBNA.


B. The President shall be informed with written reports of the activities of all committees.





A. Meetings shall be public and open to any interested persons.


B. Monthly meetings shall be held at the Ross Norton Recreational Complex,

1426 S. Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue, Clearwater, Florida on the first Tuesday of each month between the hours of 7:00 P.M. and 8:00 P.M.


C. The December meeting shall be designated as the forum for the election of new officers


D. Robert’s Rules of Order shall be used to govern the meetings of the LBNA.


E. A majority of voting members present at any given regular meeting shall constitute a quorum.


F. Effort will be made to notify in advance all interested parties and members of LBNA regarding upcoming meetings either by phone, email, meeting notices, bulletin boards, newsletters or announcements at the meetings.


G. The monthly meetings shall not act as a forum for political, religious nor personal discussions unrelated to the purposes of the LBNA.



                                    ARTICLE IX. AMENDMENT OF BYLAWS    


A. These bylaws may be amended by a majority vote of the members annually.


B. Proposed amendments shall be sent to all members at least seven (7) working days in advance of the meeting where action is to be taken and shall be read at the proceeding meeting.


C. If any part of these Bylaws or their application is hereafter held invalid or unenforceable, the remainder shall not be affected thereby, and only the affected portions shall be declared eliminated.


In witness whereof, the undersigned Board of Directors do hereby affix their signatures to the foregoing amended and restated Bylaws.


LAKE BELLEVIEW NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION, a non-governmental organization



DATE ADOPTED March 7th, 2023


All signatures will be finalized and updated after next meeting which is on April 4th, 2023